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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Metallothioneins, Caspase-3 and Oxidative Stress Responses in the Multi-Marker Study of Freshwater Mussel Inhabiting Sites of Various Human Impact Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Microzooplankton: The Trophic Role and Involvement in the Phytoplankton Loss and Bloom-Formation in the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Changes of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a, Primary Production and their Relation in the Continental Shelf Area of the South Eastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Molecular Characterization of a Novel Cathepsin B from Striped Murrel Channa striatus: Bioinformatics Analysis, Gene Expression, Synthesis of Peptide and Antimicrobial Property Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Surface Microplankton Composition at a Hyper Saline Oligotrophic Environment of Bitter Lake on the Suez Canal, Egypt Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Dinoflagellate Genera Protoperidinium and Podolampas from Pakistan’s Shelf and Deep Sea Vicinity (North Arabian Sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Age- Dependent Changes of Mediterranean Trachurus mediterraneus Male and Female from Coastal Waters of Sevastopol (Black Sea, Ukraine) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Phytoplankton and Nutrient Variations in the Iranian Waters of the Caspian Sea (Guilan region) during 2003–2004 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite An Unusual Red-Tide Event of Noctiluca Scintillans (Macartney) in the Southeastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Study on the Seasonal Variation of the Phytoplankton of Lake Cernek (Samsun-Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Determination of the Levels of Indicator Bacteria, Salmonella spp. and Heavy Metals in Sea Snails (Rapana venosa) from the Northern Marmara Sea, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Phytoplankton and seasonal variations of the River Yeşilırmak, Amasya, Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Study on the Phytoplankton and Seasonal Variation of Lake Simenit (Terme – Samsun, Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Effects of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella Val., 1844) on Water Quality, Plankton, Macrophytes and Benthic Macroinvertebrates in a Spring Pond Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Assessment of Water Quality and Primary Productivity in Earthen Fishponds Stocked with Stripped Mullet (Mugil cephalus) and Subjected to Different Feeding Regimes Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Review of Sediment Toxicity Bioassays Using the Amphipods and Polychaetes Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Phytoplankton Composition, Abundance and Temporal Variation of a Polluted Estuarine Creek in Lagos, Nigeria Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Pollutants of Textile Industry Wastewater and Assessment of its Discharge Limits by Water Quality Standards Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Plankton and Fishes of a Tropical Creek in South-Western Nigeria Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Physiological and Histopathological Alterations Induced by Phenol Exposure in Oreochromis aureus Juveniles Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Taxonomic Study on the Phytoplankton in the Littoral Zone of Karagöl Lake (Borçka-Artvin/Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Functional Classification and Composition of Phytoplankton in Liman Lake Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Phytoplankton Composition of Çaygören Reservoir, Balikesir-Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Dynamics and Biomass of Mixotrophic Flagellate Dinobryon sertularia Ehrenberg (Chrysophyceae) in Derbent Reservoir (Samsun, Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Temporal Variations of Phytoplankton in Relation to Eutrophication in Samsun Bay, Southern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Black Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Linnaeus, 1758) Culture in Izmir Bay (Iskele-Urla)-Turkey: Preliminary Results on the Annual Feeding Cycle Using a Qualitative Approach Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Short Time Variations of Winter Phytoplankton, Nutrient and Chlorophyll a of Kepez Harbor in the Dardanelles (Çanakkale Strait, Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Review of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Living Organisms in the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Benthic Debris Accumulation in Bathyal Grounds in the Antalya Bay, Eastern Mediterranean Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A Study on the Trophic Status and Phytoplanktonic Algae of Mamasin Dam Lake (Aksaray-Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite May Simultaneous Exposure to Different Heavy Metals Influence the Bioaccumulation of Each Metal by Littorina saxatilis (Gastropoda; Littoriniidae) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Long Term Investigation of SST Regime Variability and Its Relationship with Phytoplankton in the Caspian Sea Using Remotely Sensed AVHRR and SeaWiFS Data Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Black Sea Phytoplankton Data Quality – Problems and Progress Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Mathematical Modeling of Oil Pollution Dissemination in River and Sea Waters of the Western Georgia Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Investigations of Atmospheric Wet and Dry Nutrient Deposition to Marine Surface in Western Part of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Seawater Pollution Survey in the Northern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Black Sea Dinoflagellata (History of the Research and Current Biodiversity) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Analysis of Trace Metals in Commercially Important Crustaceans Collected from UNESCO Protected World Heritage Site of Indian Sundarbans Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Phytoplankton Community, Nutrients and Chlorophyll a in Lake Mogan (Turkey); with Comparison Between Current and Old Data Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Water Quality Assessment of Aquaculture Ponds Located in Bhitarkanika Mangrove Ecosystem, Orissa, India Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Growth Characteristics of the Monogonont Rotifer Asplanchna priodonta Gosse 1850 on Three Algae Species Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Variations of Nitrosamine Content in Some Black Sea Fish Species Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Effects of a Fish Farming Scenario Using QUAL2E Modelling at Fırtına Creek (Black Sea Region) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Application of Diatom Indices in the Upper Porsuk Creek Kütahya - Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A review on the Bloom Dynamics of a Harmful Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum in the Golden Horn Estuary Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Particulate Organic Matter Contribution of Gediz River to the Aegean Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Morphological Plasticity of Dominant Species in Response to Nutrients Dynamics in Bidighinzu Reservoir of Sardinia, Italy Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Distributions of Anionic Surfactantin Sea Water and Total Organic Carbon in Bottom-Surfacesediment along theTurkish Coast of the Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Liver Pathology of Female Ohrid Trout (Salmo letnica Kar.) from the Eastern Coast of Lake Ohrid: Baseline Data Suggesting the Presence of a Pollution Gradient Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The First Recorded Bloom of Pyrodinium bahamense var bahamense Plate in Yemeni Coastal Waters off Red Sea, near Al Hodeida City Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Correlation of Phytoplankton Biomass (Chlorophyll-a) and Nutrients with the Catch Per Unit Effort in the PFZ Forecast Areas of Northern Bay of Bengal during Simultaneous Validation of Winter Fishing Season Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Splenic Pigmented Macrophage Aggregates in Barbel (Barbus peloponnesius, Valenciennes, 1844) from River Bregalnica — Influences of Age, Sex and Season on a Pollution Biomarker Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Seasonal Changes in Phytoplankton Size Classes (PSC) Derived From HPLC Pigment Data along the South-Eastern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Baseline Concentration of Heavy Metals in Fish Collected from Gaza Fishing Harbor in the Mediterranean Sea along Gaza Coast, Palestine Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Toxic and Potentially Toxic Phytoplankton in The Mussel and Fish Farms in The Transitional Area of Montenegrin Coast (South-Eastern Adriatic Sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Heavy Metal Accumulation in the Mangrove Ecosystem of South Gujarat Coast, India Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Investigation of the Water Quality of Alpsarı Pond (Korgun-Çankırı) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Asian Green Mussel (Pernaviridis) in the Waters of Sabah, MalaysiaBased on Mitochondrial DNA D-Loop Sequences Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Microlitter Pollution in Sea Water: A Preliminary Study from Sinop Sarikum Coast of the Southern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Evaluation of the in vitro α-Amylase Enzyme Inhibition Potential of Commercial Dried Laver (Porphyra Species) Seaweed Protein Hydrolysate Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Coastal Plankton Assemblages in the Vicinity of Galindez Island and Neumayer Channel (Western Antarctic Peninsula) during the First Joint Turkish -Ukrainian Antarctic Research Expedition Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Distribution and Relationships of Eleven Trace Elements in Muscle of Six Fish Species from Skadar Lake (Montenegro) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Grazing and Feeding Selectivity of Oithona davisae in the Black Sea: Importance of Cryptophytes Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Influence of Environmental Conditions on the Phytoplankton Community Assemblages in Süloğlu Reservoir (Edirne, Turkey) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Assessment of Temporal Ecosystem Responses to Phytoplankton via Photosynthetic Pigments under a Potential Oil Spill Event in Iskenderun Bay Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Effect of the Integration between Plankton Natural Productivity and Environmental Assessment of Irrigation Water, El-Mahmoudia Canal, on Aquaculture Potential of Oreochromis niloticus Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Application of Physical and Biological Methods to Remove Heavy Metal, Arsenic and Pesticides, Malathion and Diazinon from Water Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite In vitro Anti-Cancer, Anti-Diabetic, Anti-Inflammation and Wound Healing Properties of Collagen Peptides Derived from Unicorn Leatherjacket (Aluterus Monoceros) at Different Hydrolysis Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Role of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors in the Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Water Bodies of Kazakhstan Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Uptake and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Water and Planktonic Biomass of the River Ravi, Pakistan Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Determination of Cadmium in Muscles and Liver of Freshwater Fish Species from Mazurian Lake District, and Risk Assessment of Fish Consumption (Poland) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Beach Litter on Sarayköy Beach (SE Black Sea): Density, Composition, Possible Sources and Associated Organisms Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Beach Litter Pollution in Sinop Sarikum Lagoon Coast of the Southern Black Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Interaction of Plastics with Marine Species Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Antimicrobial Compounds from Crustaceans and Their Applications for Extending Shelf-Life of Marine-Based Foods Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Microplankton Composition and Spatial Distribution Along the West Antarctic Peninsula During the Late Summer of 2017 Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Assessment of Some Immune Components from The Bioactive Crude Extract Derived from The Epidermal Mucus of Climbing Perch Anabas Testudines Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles How to Cite Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Endangered Indian Catfish, Clarias magur as Revealed by mtDNA D-loop Marker Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Improvement of Growth and Viability of Oreochromis niloticus in a Biofloc System Using Chlorella vulgaris Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite In Silico Bioactive Peptide Prediction from The Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Edible Seaweed Rubisco Large Chain Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Evaluation of Microplastics in the Surface Water, Sediment and Fish of Sürgü Dam Reservoir (Malatya) in Turkey Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Antioxidant Activity from the Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Chlorella sorokiniana and Its Potential Peptides Identification in Combination with Molecular Docking Analysis Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Spatio-Temporal Distribution and Characterization of Microplastic Pollution in The Three Main Freshwater Systems (Aksu and Köprü Streams, Manavgat River) And Fishing Grounds Located in Their Vicinities in The Antalya Bay Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Preliminary Assessment of Microplastic Pollution Index: A Case Study in Marmara Sea Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite New Records for The Turkish Freshwater Algal Flora in Twenty-five River Basins of Turkey, Part II: Chlorophyta, Cyanobacteria, Euglenozoa Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Bisphenol A Used in Plastic Industry Negatively Affects Wild Vimba Bream (Vimba vimba) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite A New Model for Organic Contamination Assessments Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates as Biological Indicators Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Antimicrobial Peptides from fish: Main Forces for Reducing and Substituting Antibiotics Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Microplastic Pollution in Turkish Aquatic Ecosystems: Sources, Characteristics, Implications, and Mitigation Strategies Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite In Vitro Stability of ACE-Inhibitory Peptides of Rohu Fish Waste to Heat, pH and Gastrointestinal Enzymes Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Fish Waste Alchemy: Innate and Acquired Immunity Assessment Followed Vaccinated against Kocuriasis and Investigate the Function of Low Molecular Weight Peptides of Kilka Fish Stick-water As Both Immunostimulant and Adjuvant in Farmed Rainbow Trout Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Phytoplankton Dynamics in an Oligo-mesotrophic Environment along the Montenegrin Coast (South-East Adriatic Sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite Concentration and Characterisation with Spectroscopic Technique of Microplastics in the Surface Sediment and Commercial Fish Species of Gemlik Bay (Marmara Sea) Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite The Effect of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) and Polypropylene (PP) Microplastics on Ulva lactuca L. and Ceramium diaphanum R. Algal Growth Abstract Full Text:PDF Recommended articles Mail to Author How to Cite