Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2010, Vol 10, Num, 4 (Pages: 565-572)
A Review of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Living Organisms in the Black Sea
Muhammet Boran 1 ,Ilhan Altınok 1
1 Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Marine Sciences, 61530 Surmene, Trabzon, Turkey
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Black Sea waters remain heavily impacted by a number of pollutants originating from different sources such as direct
and indirect discharge of land based pollutants, sewage etc. The Black Sea environment is highly contaminated in many urban
and industrialized areas of the many countries, resulting in severe ecotoxicological impacts. Heavy metals are toxic substances
that accumulate in food chains with the increasing concentrations. In this review, heavy metal pollution in water column and
sediment, with regard to aquatic organisms living in the Black Sea has been evaluated.
Keywords :
heavy metal pollution, heavy metal accumulation, Black Sea ecosystem