Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2005, Vol 5, Num, 2 (Pages: 119-139)
A Review of Sediment Toxicity Bioassays Using the Amphipods and Polychaetes
Levent Bat 1
1 University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Sinop Fisheries Faculty, 57000 Sinop, Turkey
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Several bioassay methods have been developed since the US EPA/COE (United States Environmental Protection
Agency/ Army Corps of Engineers) testing protocol was devised, involving a great variety of test species. The amphipods
and the polychates are now beginning to be used routinely as standard bioassay organisms for assessing the toxicity of marine
sediments for regulatory purposes. The present review has confirmed the potential of both the amphipods and the polychaetes
for sediments toxicity bioassays.
Keywords :
Marine pollution, heavy metal, reburial, emergence, LC50, EC50