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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2008, Vol 8, Num, 2     (Pages: 283-287)

Seasonal Variations of Nitrosamine Content in Some Black Sea Fish Species

Irina I. Rudneva 1 ,Elena B. Melnikova 1 ,Svetlana O. Omelchenko 1 ,Irina N. Zalevskaya 2 ,Galina V. Symchuk 2

1 Institute of the Biology of the Southern Seas National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Ichthyology Department, Nahimov av., 2, 99011, Sevastopol, Ukraine
2 Tavrichesky National University, Biochemistry Department, Vernadsky av., 2, 95611, Simpheropol, Ukraine
Viewed : 4016 - Downloaded : 2959 The present study examined the interrelationships of water temperature, phytoplankton concentration and nitrosamine compounds (NA) content in six Black Sea teleoste fish species investigated in 4 seasons. The total level of NA in examined fish ranged from 0.0002 to 0.003 μg per kg that is lower then the legal level in Ukraine (0.003 μg per kg ). The significant decrease of NA concentration in all fish species in warmer season was observed. The negative correlations were found between NA level in fish, water temperature and microalgae concentrations in water. The interactions between endogenous and exogenous factors and NA formation in fish are discussed. Keywords : eutrophication, nitrite pollution, phytoplankton, temperature, risk assessment