Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2016, Vol 16, Num, 3 (Pages: 533- 544)
Histological Changes of Y Organ in Travancoriana schirnerae during Moult Cycle and in de-Eyestalked Crabs
Smija M.K 1 ,Sudha Devi A.R 1
1 Mary Matha Arts & Science College, Department of Zoology, Vemom P O, Mananthavady 670 645, Kerala, India
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The Y organs of Travancoriana schirnerae were pale yellow, translucent, conical epidermal structures were located in
the cephalothoracic region. The histology of the gland consisted of anastomosing lobules of epithelial cells separated by
interconnected blood sinuses and capillaries. Two distinct cell types - larger and smaller - contributed to the cytology of the
gland. The organ included medium sized lobules separated by indistinct blood sinuses and capillaries in the intermoult stage.
The early premoult organ was characterized by large lobules with complete obliteration of the interlobular spaces and
prominent haemal sinuses and capillaries. The larger cells with increased cytoplasmic volume, perinuclear granulations and
nuclei containing extensive large chromatin granules were the prodigious features during early premoult. These cells
demonstrated secretory vesicles during D1 and D2 stages and their mode of release appeared to be holocrine in nature. The
gland showed large number of vacuoles with signs of degeneration in late premoult (D4). The postmoult organ demonstrated
smaller lobules with prominent interlobular spaces and indistinct blood sinuses and capillaries. Cellular degeneration and
vacuolization were key features of the postmoult organ. Unilateral and bilateral eyestalk removal induced early premoult
stages and produced marked changes in the morphology and histology of the organ during intermoult. In conclusion, the Y
organ showed a cyclic change in activity in accordance with the moulting cycle.
Keywords :
Blood sinuses, lobules, moulting stages, Travancoriana schirnerae, Y organ