Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2015, Vol 15, Num, 4 (Pages: 841-850)
Structural and Economic Analysis of Turkish Fishmeal and Fish Oil
Vedat Ceyhan 1 ,Murat Emir 1
1 University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Department of Agricultural Economics, 55139, Samsun
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The structure of fishmeal and oil manufacturers and their challenges and opportunities in Turkey was examined in this
study. The research data was collected from both fishmeal and oil manufacturers (12) by using questionnaires and
stakeholders of the industry via SWOT analysis. Research results showed that fishmeal and oil manufacturers produced 174
kg of fishmeal and 117 kg of fish oil by processing one ton of anchovy while that of sprat was 140kg and 40kg, respectively.
Research results also showed that the strength of the fishmeal and oil sector were the short marketing channel and high
profitability while the weaknesses were insufficient fish stock and difficulties in finding fish as a raw material. The most
important opportunities and threats were the increasing demand for aquaculture and the lack of data about the stocks of
anchovy and sprat, respectively. The four main problem areas in the sector are the difficulties in providing fish, the absence of
an effective decision support system developed by using macro and micro level data, infrastructure problems and legislation
issues. Contributions to the solution of the problems in this industry include the sustainable use of the fish stock in the Black
Sea and increasing the amount of captured fish by focusing on international seas. In addition, designing an information system
in the sector, the establishing of laboratories and the necessary facilities for compliance with the standards of food production,
the implementation of filter systems for the odor problem, solving the electrical problems, and effective implementation of the
legal regulations with the minimum height and catch quota, and the promotion of the qualifications of the managers may
enhance the competitive power of the sector.
Keywords :
Fishmeal, fish oil, economic analysis, Turkey