Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2011, Vol 11, Num, 1 (Pages: 93-99)
Alterations of the Ionic Composition in Different Organs of Spotted Murrel (Channa punctatus) Exposed to Sublethal Concentration of Endosulfan
2 Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Division of Fish Nutrition and Biochemistry, Mumbai 400061, India
3 Ghent University, Department of Animal Production, Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Centre, 9000 Ghent, Belgium DOI : 10.4194/trjfas.2011.0113 Viewed : 4018 - Downloaded : 2919 The spotted murrel, Channa punctatus were exposed to sublethal concentration of endosulfan (8.1 μg/L) for 48 and 96 h to elucidate the impact of the pesticide on the ionic composition in different organs of the fish. After 48 and 96 h endosulfan exposure, fish were randomly selected from each control and experimental tanks, anesthetized, sacrificed and then different organs like liver, kidney, gill and muscle were dissected for mineral estimation. Results showed that liver Ca and Mg levels after 48 h increased significantly, however after 96 h, these two minerals showed reduction in their levels. The remaining minerals in the liver (P, Na, K, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) did not change significantly with increase in the exposure duration however, showed a decreasing trend after 96 h. Kidney Ca and Mg after 48 h exposure increased significantly by 89.5 and 79.8% and after 96 h the concentration of both these minerals were non-significantly higher by 23.2 and 27.8% from the control. Kidney Mn level after 96 h was also significant higher (by 31.7%) than the control. The remaining kidney minerals (P, Na, K, Fe, Zn and Cu) did not change significantly with change in the exposure duration, however, after 96 h some of them (P, Na, Zn) increased. Gill Ca level decreased significantly with the increase in the duration of endosulfan. Gill Fe and Cu levels also showed almost similar trend like gill Ca. The remaining minerals (P, Na, K, Zn, Mg and Mn) in the gill were not significant influenced by endosulfan exposure however, they (except Mn) showed a decreasing trend after 96 h. In muscle tissue, P and K increased significantly with the increase in the exposure periods whereas, muscle Zn showed a reverse trend. The remaining minerals (Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu and Mn) did not change significantly with the change in the endosulfan exposure time however, they (except Mg and Mn) showed a decreasing trend at the end of 96 h. In essence, the present study showed that the concentration of majority of the minerals in the liver, gill and muscle after 96 h endosulfan exposure decreased, however, their level increased in the kidney. Thus, exposure of sublethal endosulfan concentration to C. punctatus caused significant alterations in the ionic composition in different organs of their body. Keywords : Channa punctatus, endosulfan, tonic composition, organs, toxicity