Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2011, Vol 11, Num, 3 (Pages: 477-483)
The Efficacy, Physiological Responses and Hematology of Persian Sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, to Clove Oil as an Anesthetic Agent
Tahere Bagheri 1 ,Mohammad Reza Imanpour 1
1 Gorgan University, Agriculture and Natural Resources Science Country, Islamic Republic of Iran
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In order to examine the efficacy of clove oil as an anesthetic on Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, we conducted an
experiment. We also investigate if clove oil anesthesia suppressed the normal plasma cortisol and glucose level increase in
this species or not. The Effects of clove oil on Hematological factors (Hb, Hct, and WBC) was examined as well. Three
different concentrations of clove oil (200, 300, 400 mg/L) combined the two water temperature (20 and 24°C) were assessed.
The combination of 400 mg/L and 24°C was the best treatment for anesthetizing as well as recovery. From one trial
(concentration: 300 mg/L and temperature: 24°C), blood samples were taken on 0 (immediately upon placement in recovery
tank), 1, 6, 24 and 72 hours post recovery in order to evaluate physiological responses. After 72 h both blood glucose and
cortisol reach the level similar to the control group which was before applying clove oil. Hematological parameters after some
fluctuation reached its level the same as control group of the experiments.
Keywords :
Aquaculture, anesthesia, fish, physiology, sturgeon, Acipenser persicus