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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2008, Vol 8, Num, 2     (Pages: 289-292)

Preliminary Observations on Fish Species in a Newly Impounded Osinmo Reservoir

Olusola Olaniyi Komolafe 1 ,Gabriel Augustine Omosola Arawomo 1

1 Obafemi Awolowo University, Department of Zoology, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Viewed : 4296 - Downloaded : 4760 The present study examines the diversity of fish species in the recently impounded Osinmo reservoir. Fish samples were caught by cast netting, gill netting and trapping. Four families of fish comprising seven species were identified. The family Cichlidae comprises 59.6% of all the fish caught in the reservoir, while the least of 6.3% was Hepsetidae. The relative abundance of fish species showed that Tilapia zillii had 28.8% of all fish caught. Except for Hemicromis fasciatus, the males of all other fish species showed abundance over the females. The abundance of males over females was only significant in Channa obscura, Sarotherodon galilaeus and Clarias gariepinus. High water parameters observed in the reservoir is an indication of stability which augurs well for better reproductive activities and a high production of plankton which is a source of food for fish. Keywords : Fish diversity, relative abundance, sex ratio and water quality