Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2014, Vol 14, Num, 3 (Pages: 777-784)
Reproductive Biology of Sepiola intermedia (Sepiolidae: Cephalopoda) in the Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean
Alp Salman 1
1 Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
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A total of 111 Sepiola intermedia specimens were collected from the Aegean Sea at seasonally between 2007 and 2008.
The maturity stages of both sexes and the gonadosomatic index values were estimated. It was observed that the ovulation
pattern of S. intermedia is asynchronous and spawning occurs continuously. Potential fecundity ranges for females and males
were determined to be between 148-406 eggs (mean 271) and 54-383 spermatophores (mean 197), respectively. The females
with mantle lengths ML between 14-22 mm obtained 68 to 161 spermantangia (mean 96) ranging from 0.3-0.9 mm in length
throughout the season inside their bursa copulatrix. The mantle lengths of mature females varied from 15 to 22 mm ML, those
of mature males – between 15 and 23 mm ML. This study provides new records on the reproductive biology of S. intermedia.
Keywords :
Sepiola intermedia, reproductive biology, histology, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean