Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2012, Vol 12, Num, 1 (Pages: 15-21)
Occurrence of Dactylogyrus species (Platyhelminths, Monogenean) on Cyprinids in Almus Dam Lake, Turkey
2 Faculty of Agriculture, Gaziosmanpasa University, Tokat, Turkey DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v12_1_03 Viewed : 4172 - Downloaded : 4233 The genus Dactylogyrus is the largest helminth genus parasitizing many fish species. Considering species richness of freshwater fish in Turkey, there are inadequate studies in Turkish freshwater fish. Therefore, a survey of Dactylogyrus species from four freshwater species was carried out to determine parasite diversity, the changes in their seasonal variation and host size dependent variability. A total of 4 Dactylogyrus species were found; these were D. malleus from Barbus plebejus, D. alatusf. major from Alburnus orontis, D. vistulae and D. alatusf.major from Chondrostoma regium, D. naviculoides and D. vistulae from Leuciscus cephalus. However, to our knowledge, this is the first time D. malleus, D. alatusf. major and D. naviculoides have been reported from Turkish freshwater fish. In general, prevalence and intensity of Dactylogyrus species were higher in spring and summer than autumn. Keywords : Dactylogyrus, D. malleus, D. alatus f. major, D. naviculoides, D. vistulae Chondrostoma regium, Barbus plebejus, Alburnus orontis, Leuciscus cephalus