Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2012, Vol 12, Num, 5 (Pages: 423-427)
Biologically Active Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in Nature and Marine Biotechnology
Evgeny Gol’din 1
1 Crimean Agrarian & Technological University, Southern Branch of the National University of Biological Resources and Environmental Management of Ukraine –PB 2223,95043, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine
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There are no less than 100 producers of toxic and biologically active/biocidal substances among 1100 cyanobacterial
and microalgal species in the Black Sea. Our investigations include two aspects: (1) evaluation of ecological and biochemical
connections between cyanobacteria and microalgae and herbivorous organisms (“grazers”), and (2) formation of new
approaches to the using of hydrobionts and their metabolites in human affairs. Experimental data confirm that biological and
ecological constructiveness of mass and active cyanobacteria and microalgae species lays not only in toxic effect. It is
complex, multiple and many-sided challenge and a part of co-evolutionary process, which resides very close to allelochemical
interactions between plants and herbivorous organisms in terrestrial ecosystems. Selectivity of biocidal effect of
cyanobacteria and microalgae and high level of their controlled cultivation make possible to create new preparations for pest
Keywords :
microalgae, cyanobacteria, Black Sea, biocidal activity, biotechnology