Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2010, Vol 10, Num, 3 (Pages: 415-422)
Levels of DDTs and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls in Whiting (Merlangius merlangus euxinus N. 1840) and Horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus S. 1868) from the İzmit Bay, Turkey
2 Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Engineering, 06110, Dışkapı, Ankara, Turkey DOI : 10.4194/trjfas.2010.0316 Viewed : 3970 - Downloaded : 3154 The concentrations of indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-chlorophenyl-ethane (DDT) and its metabolites were determined in whiting (Merlangius merlangus euxinus N. 1840) and horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus S. 1868) from the İzmit Bay, Turkey. The results showed that the levels of the total PCBs ranged from 1.49 to 39.69 ng/g fresh weight in whiting, and from 5.61 to 58.61 ng/g fresh weight in horse mackerel. Total DDTs concentrations were found from 1.08 to 66.73 ng/g fresh weight in whiting, and 4.69 to 116.25 ng/g fresh weight in horse mackerel. Concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in horse mackerel were found higher than those in whiting. Congeners IUPAC Nos. 52, 101, 153 were found frequently in whiting and horse mackerel samples. Analysis of DDT and its metabolites showed that p,p’-DDE was dominant in both of the fish species. Total PCB and DDT concentrations in fish samples were found lower than the maximum residue limits fixed by legislations. Keywords : Fish, organochlorine contaminants, Marmara Sea