Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2014, Vol 14, Num, 4 (Pages: 879-885)
Effect of Season and Treatment of Seed with Antibiotics on Grow out Culture of Tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) at Sunderban, India
R. Ananda Raja 1 ,N. Kalaimani 1 ,A. Panigrahi 1 ,A. G. Ponniah 1
1 Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture (ICAR), 75, Santhome High Road, R. A. Puram, Chennai, India
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Experiments in hapa and pond were carried out with antibiotic treated tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon seeds to assess
the morphological and hematological parameters during two different seasons viz, monsoon (March to August) and winter
(October to February). Survival rates of the antibiotic treated seeds during transport were found to be significantly more
compared to untreated control seeds. Average body weight (ABW), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and survival rate after 134
days of culture (DOC) showed no significant difference between antibiotic treated and untreated control seeds during both the
seasons. On comparison of seasonal performance, the ABW was 25.79±2.29 g in monsoon and 13.53±2.23 g in winter batch
with corresponding FCR of 1.62±0.03 and 2.57±0.01 and survival rate of 55.62±4.94 and 24.62±4.78 per cent respectively
with significant difference. Total hemocyte count (THC), granular hemocyte (GH) and nongranular hemocyte (NGH) counts
were not statistically significant between antibiotic treated and untreated animals. Significant difference was observed in
water and soil quality parameters between seasons but not between antibiotic and control group experimental ponds.
Keywords :
Shrimp hematology, chloramphenicol, furazolidone, ciprofloxacin