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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2002, Vol 2, Num, 1     (Pages: 13-17)

Rearing of Larvae and Juveniles of Black Sea Turbot, Psetta maxima, in Turkey

Cennet Üstündağ 1 ,Yılmaz Çiftci 1 ,Fumiyuki Sakamoto 2

1 Central Fisheries Research Institute, P.O.Box 129, 6001 Trabzon, Turkey Viewed : 4470 - Downloaded : 3350 Rearing techniques for the larvae of the Black Sea turbot Psetta maxima have been developed at the Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) in Trabzon since 1997. Research programs have been focused on finding out optimum rearing conditions regarding to larvae and juvenile rearing technology. Black Sea turbot were kept in indoor flow-through tanks and fed live food, rotifers and Artemia, for 45 days from hatching. The number of juveniles (100 mm TL) produced at CFRI increased from 8,000 in 1998 to 27,000 in 2000 but dropped to 14,000 in 2001. Production failed in 1999 because of trouble with the water intake system. For the future, CFRI aims to (i) establish spawning techniques for hatchery-bred broodstock, (ii) improve larval survival, and (iii) formulate a high-quality artificial feed. A number of private companies in Turkey intend to invest in commercial production of turbot by the techniques developed at CFRI. Keywords : turbot, Psetta maxima, rearing temperature, mortality, stocking density, deformities, Black Sea