Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2004, Vol 4, Num, 1 (Pages: 45-47)
Length-Weight Relationship of Brown Trout, Salmo trutta L., Inhabiting Kan Stream, Çoruh Basin, North-Eastern Turkey
Murat Arslan 1 ,Ayhan Yıldırım 1 ,Serdar Bektaş 1
1 Ataturk University, Ispir Hamza Polat Vocational School, Fisheries Department, 25900, İspir, Erzurum, Turkey
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Length-weight and length-length, fork (FL), standard (SL) and total (TL) lengths, relationships were derived for brown
trout, Salmo trutta L., inhabiting Kan Stream, Çoruh Basin, eastern Turkey. Sampling was done between January–December
of 2001 using electronic fishing gear. The relationships between lengths were all significantly linear (p<0.01), the b value in
the length-weight relationship for males and females did not deviate from 3, and this value was significantly lower than 3 in
the winter (p<0.01), when the temporal changes were taken into account, indicating that only the sampling time affected the
growth pattern of Salmo trutta. Growth was isometric in the spring, summer and fall, but it was negative and allometric in the
Keywords :
length-weight relationship, brown trout, Salmo trutta, north-eastern Turkey