Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2013, Vol 13, Num, 3 (Pages: 551-553)
Preliminary Results on Siberian Sterlet Fry Rearing and their Comparison with some Production Performance Parameters of “European” Sterlet
Tibor Feledi 1 ,András Rónyai 1
1 Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation, Anna-liget 8., Szarvas, H-5541, Hungary
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Larvae of the “European” (ARR) and “Siberian” (ARM) sterlets were fed initially with Tubifex, and further were
gradually weaned to dry diet. Additionally two other feeding strategies were tested in ARM: feeding exclusively with dry diet,
and sudden weaning from 10 day post-hatch (dph). Survival and yield at 30 dph of the ARM was significantly higher than that
of ARR. Significant differences were found within ARM groups with different weaning strategies. We suppose that ARM has
at least same potential for aquaculture than the ARR. Also we suggest that the initial use of live foods for ARM would be
Keywords :
Acipenser ruthenus marsiglii, Acipenser ruthenus ruthenus, production performances, weaning strategy