Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2013, Vol 13, Num, 3 (Pages: 441-446)
Spawning Frequency of Trachurus mediterraneus (Carangidae) in the Sea of Marmara
Nazlı Demirel 1 ,Ahsen Yüksek 1
1 Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Science and Management, 34116, Vefa, Istanbul, Turkey
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In this study the spawning frequency of Trachurus mediterraneus was estimated for the first time in the Mediterranean
basin. The presence of the late-migratory nucleus stage oocytes and post ovulatory follicles (POFs) in the same ovaries were
observed continuously during the sampling period. The daily percentage of spawning females with ovaries containing: late
migratory nucleus (MN) stage, POFs (present up to 12-24h from the spawning event) was calculated as 11.7% and 18.6%
respectively. The average percentage of females presenting one of the two different states was 15.3% which indicated that
Mediterranean horse mackerel had high spawning rates in the Sea of Marmara. Our results indicated that T. mediterraneus is a
multiple spawner and females spawn approximately every 6.6 days, therefore 20 times in the spawning period May-August
Keywords :
Spawning frequency, post ovulatory follicles, Mediterranean horse mackerel