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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2013, Vol 13, Num, 4     (Pages: 725-736)

Changes of Macroalgae Biomass in Sinop Peninsula Coast of the Black Sea, Turkey

Ali Karaçuha 1 ,Melek Ersoy Karaçuha 1

1 Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries, 57000 Sinop, Turkey DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v13_4_18 Viewed : 4348 - Downloaded : 3891 In this study, seasonal and annual variations in seaweed species composition and biomass were examined to determine the ecological status of macroalgae around the Sinop Peninsula, Black Sea. Algal samples were collected monthly from five stations at zero to 0.5 m depth on rocky substrata with quadrat by hand during 2010. As a result of this study, a total of 30 taxa were identified, comprising 9 Chlorophyta, 8 Heterokontophyta and 13 Rhodophyta. The total highest biomas value (8515.5 g dw m-2) was obtained from Hamsilos station and the lowest from Dışliman (2466.0 g dw m-2) and Öztürkler (2485.0 g dw m-2) stations, throughout the year. Based on Bray-Curtis similarity values, the stations can be classified in three groups. As a result, the highest values of biomass were found to be in the unpolluted stations, while a progressive decrease in such values was observed in stations where the effects of the anthropogenic pressure became more marked. Keywords : Macroalgae, biomass, Sinop, Black Sea