Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2020, Vol 20, Num, 6 (Pages: 499-505)
Short Term Ration Restriction and Re-Alimentation: Effect on Compensatory Growth, Body Composition and Insulin Like Growth Factor Gene Expression in Cyprinus carpio
Sanjit Debbarma 1 ,V. K. Tiwari 1 ,A.K. Reddy 1 ,A. Pavan Kumar 1 ,Babitha Rani A.M 1
1 Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Off Yari Road, Panch Marg, Versova, Andheri (W), Mumbai-400061
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Advanced fry of Cyprinus carpio (mean weight 1.73±0.02g) were fed at 10%, 25%, 50%
and 75% of satiation as different treatment groups and one control group (6 weeks)
for first phase (restriction feeding) and a second phase (8 weeks) of satiation feeding
for all the treatments. At the end of first phase, there was significant difference in
mean weight among the treatment groups (P<0.05) but, after second phase (8 weeks),
treatment group fed at 75% of satiation obtained significantly higher body weight than
control, while 50% satiation fed group obtained similar weight as of control. FCR was
found to be better at moderately restricted fed group (50% and 75% satiation). Crude
protein and crude lipid content decreased in severely restricted groups (10% and 25%
of satiation fed), compared to others after 14 weeks. IGF-I and IGF-2a gene expression
in the liver was observed as down regulated during ration restriction and up regulated
after re alimentation. However, after re-alimentation for 8 weeks, IGF-2a gene
expression was recorded to be increasing and was higher than control. The study
concludes that moderate levels of ration restriction (50% to 75% of satiation levels) is
sufficient for effective growth and feed utilization.
Keywords :
Cyprinus carpio, Body Weight, Body Composition, IGF-I and IGF2a Gene Expression