Impact Factor: 1.5
5-Year Impact Factor: 1.4
CiteScore: 3.1
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2020, Vol 20, Num, 6     (Pages: 431-451)

Raphitoma (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Raphitomidae) Species Distributed Along the Turkish Coasts

Bilal ÖZTÜRK 1 ,Kemal GEYRAN 2

1 Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Hydrobiology, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
2 Kırgülü sok. 12, Orhantepe Cevizli, 34865 Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey
DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v20_6_03 Viewed : 2769 - Downloaded : 2588 The present study deals with the raphitomid species distributed along the Turkish coasts. The material was collected from different depths (0-200 m) and habitats between the years 1995 and 2018. The investigation of the material has resulted in the identification of 23 raphitomid species: Raphitoma aequalis, R. atropurpurea, R. bicolor, R. brunneofasciata, R. concinna, R. contigua, R. corbis, R. densa, R. digiulioi, R. echinata, R. ephesina, R. farolita, R. hispidella, R. horrida, R. laviae, R. leufroyi, R. linearis, R. lineolata, R. locardi, R. papillosa, R. philberti, R. sophiae and R. spadiana. Of the identified species, Raphitoma brunneofasciata, R. densa, R. digiulioi and R. sophiae are new records for the Turkish mollusc fauna, whereas one species is a new record for the Levantine coast of Turkey; one species is a new one for the Turkish Aegean coast, and five species are new reports for the Sea of Marmara. The identified species have mostly been found at depths down to 100 m, except for R. contigua encountered also at 200 m depth. However, a brief description of the studied species along with colour photographs, and some remarks on the distinguishing features from similar species have also been noted in the present study. Keywords : Raphitoma, Mollusca, Turkish coasts, Ecology, Distribution