Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2019, Vol 19, Num, 9 (Pages: 739-752)
DNA barcoding of the Genus Capoeta (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Anatolia
Yusuf Bektas 1 ,Ismail Aksu 1 ,Cuneyt Kaya 1 ,Davut Turan 1
1 Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Basic Sciences, 53100, Rize, Turkey
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The mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences were
used as a DNA barcode to identify species of the Capoeta genus in Anatolia and to
clarify their systematics. A 652-bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase
subunit I (COI) was evaluated on 253 individuals representing seventeen species of
Capoeta and thirty-three haplotypes were totally identified. The COI barcoding
efficiency test for Anatolian Capoeta species provided twelve congruent numbers of
putative species for four delimitation methods (BCM, K2P, ABGD, and NJ). The mean
congeneric genetic distance (4.01%) was approximately 14-fold higher than the mean
of conspecific one (0.28%) and there was a clear-cut barcode gap (0.92 -1.26%)
between maximum intraspecific and minimum nearest neighbour distance for
Anatolian Capoeta species. The ML and BI phylogenies indicated a consensus tree
topology containing three clades corresponding to the geographical origins:
Anatolian-Iranian, Mesopotamian and Aralo-Caspian groups. The results of present
study indicated that the COI gene could be a suitable DNA barcode marker for the
most of scrapers species identification and delimitation with approximately 81%
success rate.The mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences were
used as a DNA barcode to identify species of the Capoeta genus in Anatolia and to
clarify their systematics. A 652-bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase
subunit I (COI) was evaluated on 253 individuals representing seventeen species of
Capoeta and thirty-three haplotypes were totally identified. The COI barcoding
efficiency test for Anatolian Capoeta species provided twelve congruent numbers of
putative species for four delimitation methods (BCM, K2P, ABGD, and NJ). The mean
congeneric genetic distance (4.01%) was approximately 14-fold higher than the mean
of conspecific one (0.28%) and there was a clear-cut barcode gap (0.92 -1.26%)
between maximum intraspecific and minimum nearest neighbour distance for
Anatolian Capoeta species. The ML and BI phylogenies indicated a consensus tree
topology containing three clades corresponding to the geographical origins:
Anatolian-Iranian, Mesopotamian and Aralo-Caspian groups. The results of present
study indicated that the COI gene could be a suitable DNA barcode marker for the
most of scrapers species identification and delimitation with approximately 81%
success rate.
Keywords :
Capoeta, Scrapers, DNA barcoding