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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2017, Vol 17, Num, 7     (Pages: 1405-1413)

Accumulation of Metals and Metalloids in Aegean Chub, Inhabiting in Two Middle Sized Streams in Southwest Anatolia

Burak Oglu 1 ,Bulent Yorulmaz 2

1 Estonian University of Life Science, Department of Hydrobiology, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Science, Tartu 51014, Estonia
2 Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, Kötekli 48000, Turkey
DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v17_6_34 Viewed : 3546 - Downloaded : 2855 Essential and non-essential total eleven metals and metalloids (Al, B, Cr, Co, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Ni and Zn) concentrations were determined by ICP-AES in muscle of Squalius fellowesii (Günther, 1868), between November of 2013 and June of 2014, on chosen four stations on Tersakan and Sarıçay streams. Average concentrations (µg g-1 wet weight) in Tersakan: Al (60.81±58.51), B (27.13±12.42), Co (0.07±0.05), Cd (0.01±0.02), Cu (1.44±0.51), Cr (0.75±0.54), Fe (33.49±30.69), Mn (2.19±1.35), Ni (0.98±1.27), Zn (20.71±20.16) and in Sarıçay: Al (33.82±37.19), B(8.15±8.90), Co (0.04±0.035), Cd (0.01±0.01), Cu (0.90±0.44), Cr (0.40±0.27), Fe (12.97±8.17), Mn (3.75±2.045), Ni (0.54±0.82), Zn (19.05±10.65) were found. Lead (Pb) was found below detection limits in all stations or seasons while Al accumulation was found highest. The effects of water quality parameters on essential and non-essential metal-metalloid accumulations in fish tissue were indicated by PCA and Co-inertia analyses. Concentrations of observed non-essential metals did not exceed the consumption limits. The evaluation of the data obtained from the study, in Tersakan and Sarıçay streams, reveal that the ecological balance can be changed in a negative way in case of continuation of the pollution of these two streams. Keywords : Squalius fellowesii, heavy metals, metalloids, Co-inertia, muscle