Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2017, Vol 17, Num, 7 (Pages: 1357-1365)
Alpha and Beta Species Diversity of Freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) and Their Seasonal Distribution in Seben-Taşliyayla Reservoir (Bolu, Turkey)
Okan Kulkoyluoglu 1 ,Meric Tanyeri 1 ,Ozan Yilmaz 1
1 Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology, Bolu, 14280, Turkey
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To complete the first long-term study on freshwater ostracods and estimate their alpha and beta species diversity in a
newly established Seben-Taşlıyayla Reservoir (Bolu, Turkey) along with nine different environmental variables, monthly
samples were collected from 15 stations located around the reservoir between August 2013 and September 2014. A total of
19 taxa (10 living and 9 subfossils) was reported for the first time from the reservoir. Cypridopsis vidua was the most
frequently occurring species with a wide ecological ranges and seasonal distribution. Numbers of living ostracods (the
alpha diversity) were found lower than the average numbers of species per lake in Turkey (13.2 spp./lake). When the alpha
diversity of the reservoir (2.079) was in the medium, beta diversity (5.2) was ranged from low to medium. Results
exhibited natural aquatic habitats showed relatively higher dissimilarities in species composition than small man-made
habitats and the reservoir. A possible implication of finding such low numbers of species in such artificial habitats may
depend on the age of the reservoir. Finding most of the cosmopolitan (and cosmoecious) species from the reservoir is
the indication of ostracods primary succession. Accordingly, long-term studies are recommended to understand possible
changes in species assemblages in future.
Keywords :
Alpha and beta diversity, Ostracoda watch model, cosmoecious species, ecological succession