Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2017, Vol 17, Num, 6 (Pages: 1099-1106)
Phylogenetic Relations and Electrophoretic Identification of Allozyme in Four Species of Snappers
Govinda Rao V 1 ,N. Muddula Krishna 1 ,K. Sujatha 1
1 Department of Marine Living Resources, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India- 530003
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In the present study, four species of snappers, Lutjanus: fulvus, lemniscatus, lutjanus and madras were embodying the
catches of Visakhapatnam coast, analyzed for allozyme variations. The four enzyme systems screened five loci was 12 in
fulvus, 3 in lemnsicatus, 29 in lutjanus and 26 in madras were found to be polymorphic at p = 0.95 level. Diagnostic alleles
help in clear distinctive species had been identified. An unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA)
method was used to construct the dendogram to know the genetic relationship between the four species of snappers Lutjanus:
fulvus, lemniscatus, lutjanus and madras based on genetic distance revealed the presence of three clusters showing the
percentage similarity between lutjanus and madras 0.961%, leminiscatus showed 0.918% similarity with above two species
and fulvus showed 0.890% similarity with above three species.
Keywords :
Allozyme, snapper, phylogenesis, allele