Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2017, Vol 17, Num, 4 (Pages: 821-832)
Organ Specific Histopathology and Brain Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition in Rohu, Labeo rohita and Silver Barb, Barbonymus gonionotus: Effects of Three Widely Used Organophosphate Pesticides
Abdul Hakim Mohammad Mohsinul Reza 1 ,Sharmin Ferdewsi Rakhi 1 ,Mohammad Shafaet Hossen 1 ,Zakir Hossain 1
1 Bangladesh Agricultural University, Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, 7 Mymensingh, Bangladesh-2202
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Agricultural pesticides, eventually find their ways to aquatic ecosystems by different routes adversely affect the aquatic
biota. To determine its potential hazards, acute toxicity tests (LC50) of three commonly used organophosphate pesticides,
Envoy 50SC, Samcup 50EC and Dursban 20EC on Labeo rohita and Barbonymus gonionotus were performed. The LC50
(P<0.05) of these pesticides were estimated at 0.110 (0.060-0.199), 0.217 (0.204-0.231) and 0.079 (0.073-0.084) ppm for L.
rohita and 0.471 (0.440-0.500), 0.789 (0.754-0.824) and 0.273 (0.260-0.286) ppm for B. gonionotus, respectively. Pesticides
abruptly altered the normal structures in various fish organs like gills, kidney and liver. The major alterations included
missing gill lamellae, gill clubbing, fungal granuloma, fatty degeneration, lipid droplet formation, degenerating glomeruli and
kidney tubules, hyperplasia, hemorrhage, pyknosis, increased number of vacuoles, and necrosis. Envoy 50SC, Samcup 20EC
and Dursban 20EC showed significant inhibition on L. rohita AChE activity at 216.7±11.0, 207.3±5.0 and 146.7±5.5
nmol/min/mg protein, respectively. In B. gonionotus, Samcup 20EC and Dursban 20EC showed significant inhibition
(P<0.05), which were recorded as 242.0±6.6 and 221.7±60.3 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively. Furthermore, pesticide
treated L. rohita showed higher enzymatic inhibition (51.49%) than B. gonionotus (19.60%).
Keywords :
Acute toxicity; gills; kidney and liver