Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2020, Vol 20, Num, 7 (Pages: 559-570)
Biological Characteristics of Azov Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus maeoticus A.) in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Fishing Seasons
Mikhail Chesalin 1 ,Victor Nikolsky 1 ,Tatjana Yuneva 1
1 A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences, MRO IBSS, Leninskii ave., 38/3, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
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Biological parameters of Azov anchovy from commercial catches in 2016/2017 and
2017/2018 fishing seasons were studied. During the first season, fishery was mainly
based on fish of the 1st age group with an average length of 10.9 cm TL, while in
2017/2018 on 2-year-old fish with length of 11.4 cm. Parameters of the length-weight
relationship were not different between sexes: for fish < 9.5 cm TL a = 0.00126, b =
3.719, and for fish ≥ 9.5 cm a = 0.0207, b = 2.475. The sex ratio in overall was close to
1:1. The relative condition factor Kn and total lipids content were higher in OctoberNovember 2017/2018 than in 2016/2017 and gradually decreased to February-March
in both seasons. The growth rate was also slightly higher in 2017/2018. For both
seasons, growth parameters in the von Bertalanffy equation were estimated as L∞ =
13.0 cm, W∞ = 12.6 g, K = 0.73 yr-1, to = -0.86 yr. Azov anchovy is lighter in weight than
the Black Sea anchovy at the same length. The growth rate of Azov anchovy seems to
be similar to the Black Sea anchovy for age groups 0 and 1, but declined as fish getting
Keywords :
Azov anchovy, Size, Age, Condition factor, Sex ratio, Growth