Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2016, Vol 16, Num, 4 (Pages: 1011-1024)
Effect of Season and Chilled Storage on Biochemical Composition of Tunisian Caramote Shrimp Head and Common Cuttlefish Viscera
2 University of Mannouba, Research unit of Ecophysiology and Food Processes (UR11ES44), Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Sidi Thabet, BP:66, 2020, Ariana-Tunis, Tunisia DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v16_4_28 Viewed : 8565 - Downloaded : 4793 Seasonal changes of biochemical composition of caramote shrimp head (CSH) and common cuttlefish viscera (CCV) were investigated. The effect of chilled storage (5°C) of these by-products during 21 days on the physicochemical quality indicators was evaluated for every season to assess a suitable storage period. All biochemical components varied significantly (P<0.05) overall season for both types of by-products except moisture and chitin contents, which remained constant in CSH (79.77±0.33% and 8.33±1.11% respectively). CCV and CSH by-products were a main source of proteins (28.37±5.44% and 20.37±5.77% respectively on dry weight basis (d.w.b)) and ash (23.60±4.18% and 28.28±2.32% respectively d.w.b). Principal component analyses (PCA) proved that CSH could be upgraded to obtain a rich product in minerals and chitin components at any time regardless the season. CCV collected in spring and summer could be assimilated as a homogenous group rich in protein and lipid. The chilled storage CCV and CSH during 21 days showed significant (P<0.05) variations of some physicochemical indicators and according to PCA, by-products might be stored just for few days (not more than a week) as proteolysis and lipolysis increased from the first week. Keywords : Seafood by-products, components characterization, refrigeration, quality indicators