Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2016, Vol 16, Num, 1 (Pages: 205-212)
Relationships between Length-Weight, Age, and Body Condition of the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas) in a Tributary and Harbor Embayment in Southern Lake Michigan, USA
Jaclyn J. Duemler 1 ,Janelle M. Kozelichki 1 ,Thomas P. Simon 1
1 School of Public and Environmental Affairs, 1315 E. Tenth Street, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47403 USA
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Gender relationships between total length (LT) and standard length (LS) (mm) were compared to weight (MB)(mg) in
the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, for tributary and harbor embayment habitat in southern Lake Michigan. Length and
weight relationship (n = 413), LT length-frequency distribution, and sex ratios were determined. A strong positive correlation
(P>0.001) was found between length (LT and LS) and weight for both males and females. Male populations showed positive
allometric growth rates with b-values and Fulton Condition indices above 3.0, females populations showed positive allometric
growth in the tributary populations, but a negative allometric growth rate in the harbor population.
Keywords :
Growth, Fulton’s condition factor, relative mass index, Laurentian Great Lakes