Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2016, Vol 16, Num, 2 (Pages: 435-441)
Study of Parameters of Biological Rhythms of Plankton Communities in Natural Conditions
Elena Melnikova 1
1 Institute of natural and technical systems, Laboratory of coastal ecosystems, Sevastopol/Russia, Russian Federation
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The change in the intensity of bioluminescence fields in the coastal area of the western shelf of the Crimea in the dark
time of day was discussed. It is noted, that the biomass of luminous organisms closely correlate with the biomass of plankton
and other pelagic creatures, including commercial pelagic fish. The parameters of the basic biological rhythms of plankton
communities are found using method of Fourier series. These rhythms leads to change of intensity of the bioluminescence
field. It is shown, that the change of the intensity of bioluminescence field with a 14 hours period due to duration of photoand
dark- periods. Changes in the intensity of the bioluminescence fields with periods of 4.7 and 2.8 hours due to endogenous
circadian rhythms of plankton community. An original method for evaluation of errors of periods found of biological rhythms
was proposed. The correlation coefficient between measured and calculated values of the intensity of the bioluminescence
fields was estimated, taking into account the influence of three main biological rhythms, was r = 0.906, that confirms the
correctness of the assumptions made.
Keywords :
Bioluminescence fields, biological rhythms, transform fourier, periods spectral components, measuring window