Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2015, Vol 15, Num, 3 (Pages: 705-712)
Use of Low-Cost Aqua-Feed in Semi-Intensive Cage Culture of the GIFT Strain of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
M. H. Soma Ariyaratne 1
1 National Aquatic Resource Research and Development Agency, Mattakkuliya, Colombo-15, Sri Lanka
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The objective of this trial was evaluating the growth performance of GIFT Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with 2 types
of aqua-feeds(Feed-A and Feed-B) in cage culture and determine the suitability compared to the commercial fish feed (Feed-
C) as control. Nine cages (10 m3 each) were installed in a reservoir (80 ha) and stocked with fingerlings of GIFT Tilapia
(mean weight= 18.7±12.07 g; mean total length 9.7± 2.08 cm) at a density of 45 fingerlings m-3. Completely Randomized
Design with 3 treatments, in triplicate, was utilized. Rice bran, Poonac and fishmeal (Fm) were used to formulate both aquafeeds.
Part of the Fm (10-12%) in Feed-B was replaced by fresh ipil-ipil leaves. The protein percentage (%) in Feed-A and
Feed-B was adjusted to 29%, but it ranged from 17.20-23.97 and from 19.6-25.5, respectively. During the experimental
period, fish were fed twice daily at 5% of body weight at the beginning and then up to 3.6%, 3% and 2.5% onwards. The
mean % survival, Condition Factor and Specific Growth Rate of the fish fed on Feed-A, Feed-B and Feed-C were not
significantly different (p>0.05), but the Average Daily Growth was significantly different (P<0.05). Data were analyzed with
One-way ANOVA. The total fish production in cages through Feed-A, Feed-B and Feed-C were 128, 77 and 160 kg,
respectively. Considering the cost of feed Rs.18/-, 17/- and 160/- and net income received in Rs. 18,645/-, 8140/-, (20,800/-),
Feed-A and Feed-B could be considered. Nevertheless, as the ipil ipil leaves were the ingredient and considering the
availability of the highest carcass protein content (18.878±2.193), Feed-B is economically feasible.
Keywords :
Ipil ipil, fish feed, community involvement, cheap protein sources