Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2015, Vol 15, Num, 2 (Pages: 319-324)
Methodology to Develop A Recovery Strategy for the Sturgeon Stocks of The Caspian Sea
Robert A. Karayev 1
1 Az 1141, 9, B.Vahabzade str., Baku, Azerbaijan
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The situation of sturgeons (Acipenseriformes) in the Caspian Sea which many experts currently assess as "Catastrophic",
is discussed. In today's complex environment of the region, traditional approaches to recovery of sturgeon stocks, based on the
classical biological paradigm of stocks management already untenable. A new approach based on the extended paradigm
consisting along with classical representations, ideas and methods of "Strategic planning” is proposed. Developed within the
framework of this approach the methodology opens up wide possibilities to choose adequate recovery strategy in the
conditions of many challenges today facing Caspian sturgeon management: Large-scale poaching, pollution of spawning
rivers and sea, destruction of a unified management system (after the collapse of the USSR), transgression of the sea,
invasions, etc.
Keywords :
Caspian sturgeons, recovery strategy, methodology