Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2012, Vol 12, Num, 3 (Pages: 619-626)
Comparative Reproductive and Growth Performance of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Its Hybrid Induced with Synthetic Hormone and Pituitary Gland of Clarias gariepinus
Prince Emeka Ndimele 1 ,Fatai Gbolahan Owodeinde 1
1 Lagos State University, Faculty of Science, Department of Fisheries, Environmental Toxicology and Ecological Restoration, Ojo, Lagos. Nigeria
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A study was conducted to determine the comparative reproductive, growth performances and nutrient utilization of
Clarias gariepinus and its hybrid “heteroclarias” using ovaprim and pituitary extract of male and female C. gariepinus. The
experimental broodstocks consisted of 6 female C. gariepinus (2 each were induced separately with ovaprim, male pituitary of
C. gariepinus and female pituitary of C. gariepinus), 3 male C. gariepinus and 3 male Heterobranchus bidorsalis. 2 female C.
gariepinus induced with synthetic hormone were crossed separately with male C. gariepinus and male H. bidorsalis. A similar
crossing was done for the other two sets of female C. gariepinus induced with male and female pituitary glands. The result
shows that there was significant difference (P<0.05) among the treatments in all the reproductive performance, growth and
nutrient utilization parameters. The highest percentage fertilization (88.44±5.74%), feed intake (27.48±7.08g), protein intake
(15.39±3.96g), feed conversion ratio (1.21±0.12) and protein efficiency ratio (1.68±0.19) were recorded in pure line C.
gariepinus induced with ovaprim. Pure breed C. gariepinus also had the highest values in all the reproductive performance
and growth parameters. This study has shown that C. gariepinus induced with synthetic hormone (ovaprim) produce offspring
with better qualities than those induced with pituitary.
Keywords :
Catfish, Ovaprim, pituitary extract, growth parameters, nutrient utilization