Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2014, Vol 14, Num, 3 (Pages: 623-631)
Reproduction Biology of the Garfish, Belone euxini Günther, 1866 (Belonidae: Belone) in the Southeast Black Sea
Sabri Bilgin 1 ,Burak Taşçı 1 ,Hatice Bal 1
1 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Faculty of Fisheries, Rize, Turkey
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To describe the reproduction biology of the garfish, Belone euxini and differences in parameters from other populations,
monthly sampling were conducted between December 2011 and July 2013 in the southeast Black Sea. Absolute fecundity
ranged between 4015 and 32453 (mean: 14365±1049) and mature eggs that was left for each spawning portion (batch
fecundity) ranged between 560 and 9713 (mean: 2338±243). Correlation coefficient of fecundity and total length relationships
were significantly different from zero. Mean diameter of immature eggs in ovary was significantly lower than mature eggs (ttest:
P = 1.54E-230). The proportion of mature eggs in the ovary ranged between 8% and 34% (mean: 16%±0.7) and the
number of batches was obtained between 3 and 12 (mean: 6.8±0.3) times in a year. Monthly proportion of gonad maturity
stages and monthly GSI values showed that the spawning period of garfish was between May and September. The size at first
sexual maturity (TL50) was estimated as 34.4 cm TL for females and 33.3 cm TL for males. The results of this study were
offered as biological input parameters regarded as a reference for management of Black Sea stocks of the garfish species.
Keywords :
Garfish, Belone euxini, spawning, fecundity, size at sexual maturity, Black Sea