Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2013, Vol 13, Num, 1 (Pages: 133-138)
How Salinity Changes in an Intertidal Zone May Affect Population Dynamics of Littorina scabra (Linaeus 1758) in Northern Coasts of Persian Gulf
Arash Javanshir 1
1 University of Tehran, Fisheries Faculty, Department of Natural Resources, 4314, Karaj, Iran
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The effects of salinity on the growth rate and survival of juvenile Littorina scabra gastropods reared in the laboratory
from the young of young females collected in estuarine, intermediate, and marine habitats were studied. The optimum growth
conditions of juveniles were dependent on the salinity regime in their original habitat. The young group of females from the
marine site showed maximum survival at a salinity of 40‰, the value corresponding to the normal salinity in their native
habitat during the breeding period, while at 30‰, the growth of juveniles from this population was strongly suppressed.
Juveniles originating from the estuarine habitat were able to maintain equally high growth rates at 40 and 30‰; however, at
30‰, they grew significantly faster than juveniles from the marine site. The progeny of females from the intermediate habitat
showed intermediate growth rates at 30‰. Fluctuating salinity (40–10–40‰) had an adverse effect on the growth of juvenile
Littorina, irrespective of the parental habitat. The differences in survival, size, and growth rates of the progeny of L. scabra in
habitats with different salinity regimes are discussed in relation to their potential adaptive significance to life in estuaries.
Keywords :
Littorina scabra, survival, salinity