Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2010, Vol 10, Num, 2 (Pages: 181-186)
Effects of Hazelnut Meal Levels on Growth Performance, Feed Utilization and Digestibility in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Gaye Doğan 1 ,Muammer Erdem 1
1 Sinop University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Aquaculture, 57000, Sinop, Turkey
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In this study, the effects of hazelnut meal (HM) levels in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets on growth,
feed consumption, and digestibility were investigated. Four experimental diets containing a gradient of HM (0%, 15%, 30%
and 45% respectively) were prepared to feed two replicate groups of trout (initial body weight of 37.89±0.02 g) twice daily to
apparent satiation for 60 days. The highest weight gain rate (WGR) and specific growth rate (SGR) were obtained from the
fish fed with Diet 1 and Diet 2 and it was determined that the increase of HM level in the diet up to 30% did not affect feed
conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER). The lowest WGR, SGR and PER were obtained from the fish fed
with the diet containing 45% HM. The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of protein (90.93-91.76%) and lipid (96.78-
98.33%) were at high with no significant difference among treatment (P>0.05). The ADC of dry matter decreased with
increasing HM in diets. These results indicated that HM can be utilized by 15% in diet for juvenil rainbow trout, without
adverse effect on growth performance.
Keywords :
rainbow trout, fish meal, hazelnut meal, growth, digestibility