Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2010, Vol 10, Num, 2 (Pages: 169-172)
Utilization of Gambusia (Affinis affinis) For Fish Sauce Production
Sayed Mekawy Ibrahim 1
1 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), Fish Processing Technology Lab., Cairo, Egypt
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Fish sauce made from Gambusia (Affinis affinis) is evaluted in this study. Whole gambusia samples were carefully
washed, well mixed with 25% (w/w) salt and incubated at room temperature for five months (from January up to the end of
May, 2006). Salted fish was manually drained using cheese cloth to separate supernatant liquor to keep out salted fish. The
fish sauce obtained was composed of 65.97% moisture, 12.37% crude protein, 1.56% lipid, 19.33% ash and 9.08% sodium
chloride content. In addition, the pH value was 6.08 and the nonessential amino acids (3,864 mg/100 ml) were higher than the
essential amino acids (AAs) ones (2,172 mg/100 ml). Based on the biochemical criteria, nutritional value as well as microbial
aspects indicated that gambusia fish could be successfully utilized for fish sauce production as value added fish product.
Keywords :
Gambusia (Affinis affinis), fish sauce, biochemical criteria, nutritional value, microbial aspects