Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2006, Vol 6, Num, 2 (Pages: 137-147)
The Macrobenthic Algae of Beymelek Lagoon (Antalya-Turkey)
Meral Apaydın Yağcı 1
1 Eğirdir Fisheries Research Institute, 32500, Eğirdir, Isparta, Turkey
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This study was conducted with species the macrobenthic algae which have been seasonally collected from 5 stations
located on Beymelek Lagoon Lake and 6 other lying along the coastal areas. Besides, varying salinity rates and the
temperature values of the lake depending upon its depth have been measured during the study. Seven species of
Chlorophyceae (Gayralia oxysperma (Kützing) K.L. Vinogradova ex Scagel et al., Enteromorpha linza (L.) J.G. Agardh, E.
prolifera (O.F. Müll.) J.G. Ag., E. intestinalis Link, Ulva rigida C. Agardh, Chaetomorpha crassa (C. Ag.) Kütz.,
Cladophora coelothrix (J. Ag.) Harvey) and 2 species of Rhodophyceae (Porphyra leucosticta Thuret in Le Jolis,
Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightfoot)) Greville have been found to constitute the macrobenthic algae existence on Beymelek
Lagoon Lake. The lake is of mesohalin characteristics in winter-spring seasons and of polihalin characteristics in summerautumn
seasons. The above-mentioned macrobenthic algae except species C. crassa are all new brand floristic records for the
region. This study also reveals that the algae Gayralia oxysperma, of which the seasonally changing biomass values were
recorded at 5.0 - 55.3 g/m2, can be exploited economically in the region.
Keywords :
Beymelek Lagoon, Macrobenthic, Algae