Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2006, Vol 6, Num, 1 (Pages: 37-42)
Effects of Alternative Dietary Lipid Sources (Soy-acid oil and Yellow grease) on Growth and Hepatic Lipidosis of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fingerling: A Preliminary Study
Erdal Yılmaz 1 ,Ercument Genc 1
1 Dept. of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Mustafa Kemal University, Tayfur Sokmen Campus 31034, Hatay, Turkey
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A 60 days feeding trial was conducted to determine the effect of increasing dietary lipid (alternative lipid source: soyacid
oil, SAO and yellow grease, YG) levels on growth performance, body composition and liver morphology of common
carp. Seven isonitrogenous practical diets were formulated to contain 4, 8.5, 13, 18% SAO and 4, 8.5, 13% YG and the
control diet without supplementation with dietary oil. Growth performance of fish fed diet containing 8.5% YG showed the
best weight gain and was similar to the control group in respect to feed conversion, daily feed intake, protein and, energy
consumption. No improvement was found in growth parameter in SAO-fed groups. In addition, liver lipoid degeneration
(steatosis) was observed in fish fed as the highest dietary lipid. The preliminary results indicated that common carp did not
efficiently utilize SAO and YG as an alternative dietary lipid source.
Keywords :
Cyprinus carpio, soy-acid oil, yellow grease, nutritional pathology, steatosis, alternative dietary lipid