Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2004, Vol 4, Num, 2 (Pages: 87-91)
The Catch Composition and Catch per Unit of Swept Area (CPUE) of Penaeid Shrimps in the Bottom Trawls from İskenderun Bay, Turkey
M. Fatih Can 1 ,Yavuz Mazlum 1 ,Aydın Demirci 1 ,Mevlüt Aktaş 1
1 Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 31040 Antakya, Hatay, Turkey
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The objectives of present study were (i) to identify catch composition, (ii) to determine the CPUE, and (iii) to
determine the percentage of penaeid shrimps in the total economic catch. Surveys were conducted between March 2002 and
February 2003 in İskenderun Bay (NE Mediterranean Sea). The sampling area was divided into two strata by depth and then
the stratified random sampling technique was applied to collect data. During the study, Penaeus semisulcatus (de-Hann,
1844), Marsupenaeus (Penaeus) japonicus (Bate, 1888), Merlicertus (Penaeus) kerathurus (Forskal, 1775), Metapenaeus
stebbingi (Nobii, 1904), and Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricus, 1798) were observed in the catch composition. Among these
species, M. stebbingi had the highest average catch rate (76.9%) among all total shrimp. A similar trend was observed in the
total economic catch (5.1%). The mean catch per unit effort (CPUE ± SD) of the M. stebbingi (73.43±76.9 kg/km2) was
significantly higher than those of the other species. M. stebbingi was caught in both strata, while CPUE was the same in both
stratum I and stratum II. However, the variability in stratum I was higher than in stratum II. Hyperstability or densitydependent
catchability was not observed in either of the strata for any of the species (P > 0.05).
Keywords :
Penaeid shrimp, Catch composition, Catch Per Unit Effort, İskenderun Bay