Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2004, Vol 4, Num, 2 (Pages: 59-64)
Preliminary Estimation of Growth, Mortality and the Exploitation rates of the Silverbelly (Leiognathus klunzingeri Steindachner, 1898) Population from the Yumurtalık Bight, Northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey
Meltem Özütok 1 ,Dursun Avşar 1
1 Faculty of Fisheries, Çukurova University, 01330 Balcalı, Adana, Turkey
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This study was carried out to determine the growth characteristics, mortality and the exploitation rates of the silverbelly
(Leiognathus klunzingeri). The von Bertalanffy growth constants for this species were L∞=10.28 cm, K=0.29 year-1, t0=-0.42
year, W∞=11.75 g, and it was estimated that the greatest growth occurred between age groups I and II for length and between
groups III and IV for weight. The total mortality rate was estimated to be Z=0.9609, its components being M=0.6460 and
F=0.314. In addition to this, it was found that the exploitation rate on the silverbellies distributed along the Yumurtalık Bight
(Northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey) was insufficient.
Keywords :
Silverbelly Leiognathus klunzingeri, von Bertalanffy growth constants, mortality rates, exploitation rate