Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2003, Vol 3, Num, 1 (Pages: 41-46)
Initial Observations in Himri (Barbus lutes, Heckel) Propagation
Ramez Al Hazzaa 1 ,Abdulrazak Hussein 1
1 Department of Animal Husbandry- Agriculture Faculty in Deir ez Zor, Aleppo University, Syria
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Reaction of himri (Barbus luteus) to carp pituitary extract injections tested month and a half before its
natural spawning. Females treated with two consecutive injections resulted higher relative fecundity (7464.96 ±
481 eggs) than those treated with only one injection (5286.62 ± 392.5 eggs). No significant differences noticed
between treated (22.5 ± 0.4 ml) and non-treated males (23.2 ± 1.6 ml). High fertilization (98.6-97.8 %) could not
attain satisfactory hatching (57 %). Colors modifications and acoustic acts have been observed during ripping.
Spawned egg has 1.57±0.3×10-3 g weight and 1.10-1.18 mm diameter. Spermatozoon motility increased
significantly (45%) in hypotonic solution (150 mOsm.kg-1). Embryonic development was similar to other
cyprinids in durations, but the important stage of eye pigmentation has not been noticed even after hatching
which occurred after about 74 h.
Keywords :
Barbus luteus, propagation, genital products, embryo, Euphrates-Tigris