Impact Factor: 1.5
5-Year Impact Factor: 1.4
CiteScore: 3.1
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2025, Vol 25, Num, 6     (Pages: TRJFAS27193)

Comprehensive Genome Analysis of Planococcus sp. S3-L1 Isolated from Horseshoe Island in Antarctica Reveals Its Biotechnological Potential

Hilal Ay 1 ,Sibel Melisa Sahin 2 ,Muhammed Duman 3 ,Nihed Ajmi 4 ,Izzet Burcin Saticioglu 3

1 Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Istanbul/Türkiye (34220)
2 Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Graduate Studies, Samsun/Türkiye (55200)
3 Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Aquatic Animal Diseases, Bursa/ Türkiye (16059)
4 Bursa Uludag University, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Bursa/Türkiye (16059)
DOI : 10.4194/TRJFAS27193 Viewed : 128 - Downloaded : 107 This study explores the biotechnological potential of Planococcus strain S3-L1, isolated from Horseshoe Island in Antarctica during the 6th Turkish Antarctic Expedition in 2022. Marine bacteria inhabiting polar environments play essential roles in ecosystem dynamics and biogeochemical cycles, largely due to their unique adaptations. The Planococcus genus, noted for its halotolerance and ability to thrive in cold environments, has garnered interest for its capability to produce bioactive metabolites, support bioremediation, and facilitate various industrial processes. In this research, Planococcus sp. S3-L1 was isolated and underwent 16S rRNA and wholegenome analysis, revealing a close genetic affinity with Planococcus kocurii and Planococcus faecalis. Genomic analysis identified genes responsible for carotenoid pigment production and aromatic compound degradation, underscoring its potential in environmental remediation and low-temperature pigment production. Furthermore, quorum-quenching enzymes suggest that S3-L1 could serve as an antimicrobial agent. These findings show that Planococcus sp. S3-L1 is a promising candidate for biotechnological applications, particularly within polar marine environments, where its cold adaptation and metabolic diversity offer potential benefits in aquaculture, bioremediation, and the synthesis of commercially valuable compounds. Keywords : Antarctic marine bacteria, Biotechnology, Genomic analysis, Horseshoe island Planococcus