Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2019, Vol 19, Num, 4 (Pages: 351-362)
Fish Assemblages in Surf Zone of the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast off Alexandria
Shnoudy Bakhoum 1
1 National institute oceanography and fisheries, fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt
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Assess the state of fish assemblies in surf zone of the Egyptian Mediterranean coast
off Alexandria was carried out by determining community parameters such as
abundance, diversity and impact of Immigrant fishes on species composition. Fish
community in Beach area off Alexandria includes 22 families. Only 9 species
dominated the catch representing 81.41% by number and 60.89% by weight.
Immigrant fishes in beach area included 10 of 45 species, these migrant species
representing about half of the community by number (47.07 %) and 38.34 % by
weight. The index of relative dominance (% IRD) revealed that Siganus rivulatus was
dominated in Beach area contributing about 54.47% and it represent frist rank by
number in all seasons. The results of biological indices lead us to consider fish
community in summer more diverse than in others seasons. Relation between
fullness index and numerical abundance of dominant fish species showed that, the
Maximum values of both indices were found for S. rivulatus and Scomber japonicas in
spring and for Stephanolepis hispidus in winter, while Pagellus erythrinus reavealed
the maximum fullness index in autumn and and highst numerical abundance in
winter. Significant positive correlation was found between abundances of Diplodus
vulgaris and Pagellus erythrinus (r = 0.98**), and between Sardinella aurita and
Boops boops (r = 0.99**), in contrary, Sardinella aurita revealed significant negative
correlation with Stephanolepis hispidus (r = - 0.89*). Ecological impacts of invasive
alien species are decline in abundance of endemic species. The dominance of alien
species can attributed to their ability to tolerate multiple anthropogenic stressors, in
altering communities.
Keywords :
Ecological guilds, Fish assemblage, Beach area off Alexandria