Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2018, Vol 18, Num, 9 (Pages: 1037-1044)
The Influence of Aquaponically Grown Duckweed (Lemna minuta Kunth) Used for Composition of Sustainable Diets on Hydrochemical and Technological Parameters in Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
Ivaylo Sirakov 1 ,Katya Velichkova 1
1 Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Studentski grad, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
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The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of aquaponically grown duckweed (Lemna minuta) used as part of a biofilter in recirculation aquaculture systems, when its included in the composition (10 and 30% content of daily feed ratio) of sustainable diets on hydrochemical and technological parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L) fingerlings cultivated in recirculation aquaponic systems.The inclusion of L. minuta in diets for carp fingerlings influenced the hydrochemical parameters and decreased the quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in water of tanks where carps were fed with feed containing duckweed, but difference was statistically significant only for ammonium (0.087±0.008)(P≤0.05). The carps fed with a diet containing 30% (L30) duckweed of their daily feed ratio showed better survival but similar growth and FCR than fish fed with L0 and differences were not significant (P≥0.05). The lower growth and higher FCR were measured in carps fed with L10 compared to the values of these parameters in carp`s fingerlings fed with L0 diet and the differences were significant (P≤0.05). The duckweed presents cheap and easy accessible ingredients for feeding of carp. Furthermore it could be used for treatment of wastewater in recirculating aquaculture systems this way increasing their sustainability.
Keywords :
Duckweed, common carp, feed substitution, aquaponics, growth