Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2018, Vol 18, Num, 7 (Pages: 905-911)
Growth and Feed Utilization Value of Fermented Tamarindus indica L. Seed in the Diet of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Abdulmalik Yusuf Bashir 1 ,Bolanle Suleiman 1
1 Ahmadu Bello University, Department of Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Zaria, Nigeria
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The effect of fermented Tamarindus indica seed nut on the composition, growth, nutrient utilisation and carcass
composition of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings fed graded levels of fermented T. indica seed meal was investigated for 84
days. Fermentation significantly increased the crude protein and lipid content of the seeds by 10.17 and 46.62%, respectively
while alkaloid, saponin and phytate content of the seeds were reduced by 59.46, 21.74 and 60.30%, respectively. Five diets
were formulated to include 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% inclusion of fermented T. indica seed meal. The results for growth and
feed utilisation revealed that the best experimental diet was the 75% inclusion level, as it gave the best mean weight gain
(8.58g), standard length gain (2.54cm), total length gain (3.12cm), specific growth rate (0.85%days), percentage weight gain
(1.01) and nitrogen metabolism (194.60) compared with the other diets. Carcass composition showed that all fish fed
experimental diet had an increase in carcass crude protein and ranged between 49.99-54.02% compared to the initial of
43.91%. Thus the use of T. indica seed at 75% replacement level of soya beans seed is recommended in the diet of O.
niloticus fingerlings.
Keywords :
Fermentation, Nile Tilapia, Tamarind seed