Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2018, Vol 18, Num, 5 (Pages: 705-716)
Numerical Study on the Flow Field Around a Fish Farm in Tidal Current
Chun-Wei Bi 1 ,Tiao-Jian Xu 1
1 Dalian University of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian 116024, China
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The netting of the fish farm, with biofouling or not, was simulated using the porous-media fluid model. The porous
coefficients for both clean and biofouled netting were calculated from the drag and lift forces that acts on corresponding clean
or biofouled plane net, consequently the relationship between the porous coefficients and the features of the netting as well as
the biofouling is established. In this study, both constant and tidal currents through a fish farm, consisting of 2×4 full-scale net
cages, were investigated numerically. Effects of cage height, incidence angle of the current and level of biofouling on the
netting on the flow field in vicinity region of the fish farm were presented and discussed. Compared with constant current,
tidal current produces different flow pattern downstream from the fish farm. Overall, the height of the wake region
downstream from the fish farm increases with increasing cage height. The attenuation in flow velocity both inside the net cage
and in the wake region increases as the level of biofouling increases. With respect to the incidence angle of the tidal current,
the optimal orientation of the fish farm can be determined in certain tidal current from an ecological perspective.
Keywords :
Net cage, biofouling, tidal current, flow field, numerical simulation