Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2017, Vol 17, Num, 7 (Pages: 1431-1440)
Microlitter Pollution in Sea Water: A Preliminary Study from Sinop Sarikum Coast of the Southern Black Sea
Ayşah Öztekin 1 ,Levent Bat 1
1 Sinop University, Fisheries Faculty, Department of Hydrobiology, 57000, Sinop/Turkey
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In this study, microplastic pollution for the first time is reported in the sea surface and water column in Sinop Sarıkum
Lagoon coast of the southern Black Sea. Distribution, density and type of microplastics were investigated in the study area
where is one of the significant wetlands of the Black Sea. Study was carried out between 2015 and 2016 as seasonally and two
types of net for sea surface and water column were used for three different depths. Results showed that microparticle density
was 2.667±2.325 pieces m⁻3 for sea surface and 24.475±26.153 pieces m⁻3 for water column. The most common material type
is ship paints for sampling areas (Sea surface: 55.45%; Water column: 54.21%) followed by fibres, hard plastic pieces and
nylons. Our results show that microplastic is found a large amount in the Black Sea and this pollution type is a growing
problem in our day. The presence of this pollution type is an important issue and requires further examination about
transportation, origins, types and effects on biota.
Keywords :
Microplastic, marine litter, Black Sea, pollution, Sarıkum Lagoon