Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2017, Vol 17, Num, 5 (Pages: 995-1002)
Length-Weight Relationships of 16 Fish Species from Deep Water of Northern Aegean Sea (500-900 m)
Onur Gönülal 1
1 İstanbul University, Gökceada Marine Research Department, Kaleköy-Gökçeada / Çanakkale
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In this study was conducted between 500 and 900 at Northern Aegean Sea using by deep longline. Length-weight
relationships (LWR) were presented for 16 deep species. Length and weight of each individual were measured, of which 10
species also r2 and SE (b) were calcuated. Values of b was statiscivaly significantly differ than “3” for all species except
Helicolenus dactylopterus. The results show that the general bigger deeper phenomenon for both Merluccius merluccius and
Phycis blennoides. The present study reports the first knowledge on the LWR for deep fishes that caught greater than 500 m
depth. The aim of this study to obtain the missing biological data on the LWR of deep sea fish species of northern Aegean
deep waters and to be as a reference for future studies conducted in deeper areas.
Keywords :
Deep fishes, deep longline, Northern Aegean Sea, length-weight relationships