Impact Factor: 1.5
5-Year Impact Factor: 1.4
CiteScore: 3.1
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2017, Vol 17, Num, 3     (Pages: 499-508)

Evaluation and Categorization of the Fishing Ports with a Fuzzy Spatial Multi Criteria Approach: The Case of Turkey

İsmail Önden 1 ,Mesut Samastı 1 ,Metin Çancı 2 ,Fahrettin Eldemir 3 ,Abdullah Aktel 1

1 Turkish Institute of Management Science, TUBITAK Tusside Campus Gebze, 41400, Kocaeli/Turkey
2 Okan University, Department of International Logistics, Tuzla Camput 34959 Tuzla, Istanbul/Turkey
3 Yildiz Technial University, Department of Industrial Engineering, 34000 Yildiz Campus, Istanbul/Turkey
DOI : 10.4194/1303-2712-v17_3_06 Viewed : 4676 - Downloaded : 3185 Fishing ports are the vital constituent of the fishery industry of Turkey. With governmental contribution, the number of the fishing ports reached to 366 alongside of the shores and the collected fish volume h as been in increasing trend. However, there are differences in the location characteristics and technical infrastructure so that each facility’s success level is measured differently with convenient parameters. To increase the performance of fishing ports, for their better utilization, and also to understand which of them can be transformed to regional centers a classification is needed. With the transformation to the regional centers, i.e. the infrastructure improvements of the facilities and providing multiple services such as tourism and transportation activities; the efficiency of the ports can be increased. In this paper, a classification methodology is developed and it is tested. While applying the methodology, expert workshops are carried out to represent current fishery environment in Turkey. In the meetings, decision criteria are discussed by participating over 200 experts in the field. f-AHP and GIS/Spatial Analysis is used to analyze spatial suitability. Results of the study showed that the methodology is capable of dealing with spatial and non-spatial characteristics of the data-set and determine the convenient alternatives. Keywords : Fishing industry, fishing port location, f-AHP, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), location analysis